Ganglion Cyst

What is a ganglion cyst?

A ganglion cyst is a sac filled with fluid that originates from a tendon sheath or joint capsule. The term ganglion is a “knot” and describes the knot-like masses or lumps that form below the surface of the skin. Ganglion cysts are among the most common benign soft-tissue masses. Ganglion cysts very in size, may get smaller or larger, and may even disappear completely, only to return later.

What causes a ganglion cyst?

Although the exact cause of a ganglion cyst is unknown, they may arise from trauma – whether a single event or repetitive micro-trauma.

What are symptoms of a ganglion cyst?

A ganglion cyst is associated with one or more of the following symptoms: A noticeable lump, tingling or burning if the cyst is touching a nerve, dull pain or ache, or difficulty wearing shoes due to irritation between the lump and the shoe.

What are treatment options for a ganglion cyst?

Non-surgical treatment includes but is not limited to:

  • monitoring, without treatment
  • having shoe modifications (placing a pad to reduce the pressure against the cyst)
  • aspiration and injecting a steroid medication into the mass.

When other treatment options fail or are not appropriate, the cyst may need to be surgically removed. While the recurrence associated with surgery is lower than that experienced with aspiration and injection therapy, there are, nevertheless, cases in which the ganglion cyst returns.
